A Colecção Berardo no Centro Cultural de Belém tem uma deliciosa sala dedicada à autonomia. Expressamente dirigida às questões do papel de género feminino na relação artista & modelo. Lá, as mulheres são em simultâneo objecto e agente do olhar artístico. A ver. Aqui deixo-vos um exemplo, não exposto, do trabalho de Ana Mendieta.
quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007
segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2007
Ser Minoritário: Porquê?
Originalmente feito a propósito da preferência por práticas sado-masoquistas, este belíssimo trabalho parece-me um excelente exercício-resposta às questões colocadas por aqueles que procuram modelos etiológicos e explicativos para uma qualquer suposta diferença ou minoria sexual. Obrigada Rui Henriques! ;-)
Because it feels good;
because it gives me an erection;
because it makes me come;
because I'm sick;
because there was so much sickness;
because I say FUCK THE SICKNESS;
because I like the attention;
because I was alone a lot;
because I was different;
because kids beat me up on the way to school;
because I was humiliated by nuns;
because of Christ and the Crucifixion;
because of Porky Pig in bondage, force-fed by some sinister creep in a black cape;
because of stories of children hung by their wrists,
burned on the stove, scalded in tubs;
because of Mutiny on the Bounty;
because of cowboys and Indians;
because of Houdini;
because of my cousin Cliff;
because of the forts we built and the things we did inside them;
because of what's inside me;
because of my genes;
because of my parents;
because of doctors and nurses;
because they tied me to the crib so I wouldn't hurt myself;
because I had time to think;
because I had time to hold my penis;
because I had awful stomachaches and holding my penis made it feel better;
because I felt like I was going to die;
because it makes me feel invincible;
because it makes me feel triumphant;
because I'm a Catholic;
because I still love Lent, and I still love my penis, and in spite of it all I have no guilt;
because my parents said BE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE, and this is what I want to be;
because I'm nothing but a big baby and I want to stay that way, and I want a mommy forever, even a mean one, especially a mean one;
because of all the fairy tale witches, and the wicked stepmother, and the stepsisters, and how sexy Cinderella was, smudged with soot, doomed to a life of servitude;
because of Hansel, locked in the witch's cage until he was fat enough to eat;
because of "O" and how desperately I wanted to be her;
because of my dreams;
because of the games we played;
because I've got an active imagination;
because my mother bought me Tinker Toys;
because hardware stores give me hard-ons;
because of hammers, nails, clothespins, wood, padlocks, pullies, eyebolts, thumbtacks, staple-guns, sewing needles, wooden spoons, fishing tackle, chains, metal rulers, rubber tubing, spatulas, rope, twine, C-clamps, S-hooks, razor blades, scissors, tweezers, knives, pushpins, two-by-fours, Ping-Pong paddles, alligator clips, duct tape, broomsticks, barbecue skewers, bungie cords, sawhorses, soldering irons;
because of tool sheds;
because of garages;
because of basements;
because of dungeons;
because of The Pit and the Pendulum;
because of the Tower of London;
because of the Inquisition;
because of the rack;
because of the cross;
because of the Addams Family playroom;
because of Morticia Addams and her black dress with its octopus legs;
because of motherhood;
because of Amazons;
because of the Goddess;
because of the moon;
because it's in my nature;
because it's against nature;
because it's nasty;
because it's fun;
because it flies in the face of all that's normal (whatever that is); because I'm not normal;
because I used to think that I was part of some vast experiment and that there was this implant in my penis that made me do these things and that allowed THEM (whoever THEY were) to monitor my activities;
because I had to take my clothes off and lie inside this plastic bag so the doctors could collect my sweat;
because once upon a time I had such a high fever that my parents had to strip me naked and wrap me in wet sheets to stop the convulsions;
because my parents loved me even more when I was suffering;
because surrender is sweet;
because I was born into a world of suffering;
because I'm attracted to it;
because I'm addicted to it;
because endorphins in the brain are like a natural kind of heroin;
because I learned to take my medicine;
because I was a big boy for taking it;
because I can take it like a man;
because, as somebody once said, HE'S GOT MORE BALLS THAN I DO;
because it is an act of courage;
because it does take guts;
because I'm proud of it;
because I can't climb mountains;
because I'm terrible at sports;
because NO PAIN, NO GAIN;
In collaboration with his partner, Sheree Rose, Bob Flanagan's performances combined text, video, and live performance in an exploration of sex, illness, and mortality. BOB FLANAGAN succumbed to cystic fibrosis on January 4, 1996.
Because it feels good;
because it gives me an erection;
because it makes me come;
because I'm sick;
because there was so much sickness;
because I say FUCK THE SICKNESS;
because I like the attention;
because I was alone a lot;
because I was different;
because kids beat me up on the way to school;
because I was humiliated by nuns;
because of Christ and the Crucifixion;
because of Porky Pig in bondage, force-fed by some sinister creep in a black cape;
because of stories of children hung by their wrists,
burned on the stove, scalded in tubs;
because of Mutiny on the Bounty;
because of cowboys and Indians;
because of Houdini;
because of my cousin Cliff;
because of the forts we built and the things we did inside them;
because of what's inside me;
because of my genes;
because of my parents;
because of doctors and nurses;
because they tied me to the crib so I wouldn't hurt myself;
because I had time to think;
because I had time to hold my penis;
because I had awful stomachaches and holding my penis made it feel better;
because I felt like I was going to die;
because it makes me feel invincible;
because it makes me feel triumphant;
because I'm a Catholic;
because I still love Lent, and I still love my penis, and in spite of it all I have no guilt;
because my parents said BE WHAT YOU WANT TO BE, and this is what I want to be;
because I'm nothing but a big baby and I want to stay that way, and I want a mommy forever, even a mean one, especially a mean one;
because of all the fairy tale witches, and the wicked stepmother, and the stepsisters, and how sexy Cinderella was, smudged with soot, doomed to a life of servitude;
because of Hansel, locked in the witch's cage until he was fat enough to eat;
because of "O" and how desperately I wanted to be her;
because of my dreams;
because of the games we played;
because I've got an active imagination;
because my mother bought me Tinker Toys;
because hardware stores give me hard-ons;
because of hammers, nails, clothespins, wood, padlocks, pullies, eyebolts, thumbtacks, staple-guns, sewing needles, wooden spoons, fishing tackle, chains, metal rulers, rubber tubing, spatulas, rope, twine, C-clamps, S-hooks, razor blades, scissors, tweezers, knives, pushpins, two-by-fours, Ping-Pong paddles, alligator clips, duct tape, broomsticks, barbecue skewers, bungie cords, sawhorses, soldering irons;
because of tool sheds;
because of garages;
because of basements;
because of dungeons;
because of The Pit and the Pendulum;
because of the Tower of London;
because of the Inquisition;
because of the rack;
because of the cross;
because of the Addams Family playroom;
because of Morticia Addams and her black dress with its octopus legs;
because of motherhood;
because of Amazons;
because of the Goddess;
because of the moon;
because it's in my nature;
because it's against nature;
because it's nasty;
because it's fun;
because it flies in the face of all that's normal (whatever that is); because I'm not normal;
because I used to think that I was part of some vast experiment and that there was this implant in my penis that made me do these things and that allowed THEM (whoever THEY were) to monitor my activities;
because I had to take my clothes off and lie inside this plastic bag so the doctors could collect my sweat;
because once upon a time I had such a high fever that my parents had to strip me naked and wrap me in wet sheets to stop the convulsions;
because my parents loved me even more when I was suffering;
because surrender is sweet;
because I was born into a world of suffering;
because I'm attracted to it;
because I'm addicted to it;
because endorphins in the brain are like a natural kind of heroin;
because I learned to take my medicine;
because I was a big boy for taking it;
because I can take it like a man;
because, as somebody once said, HE'S GOT MORE BALLS THAN I DO;
because it is an act of courage;
because it does take guts;
because I'm proud of it;
because I can't climb mountains;
because I'm terrible at sports;
because NO PAIN, NO GAIN;
In collaboration with his partner, Sheree Rose, Bob Flanagan's performances combined text, video, and live performance in an exploration of sex, illness, and mortality. BOB FLANAGAN succumbed to cystic fibrosis on January 4, 1996.
Relativamente ao post anterior:
- A petição on-line não foi escrita ou pensada por mim.
- Chegou-me a informação de que a colega Margarida Cordo não teria feito as declarações "transcritas" e que exerceu o seu direito de resposta enviando uma carta que não foi publicada na Visão.
Em Psicologia, Jornalismo e em outras profissões há profissionais mais ou menos cuidadosos e rigorosos. Esperemos que a situação se esclareça. O conteúdo da petição parece-me adequado à ideia veiculada na revista Visão e por isso, pois foi essa a mensagem que chegou às bancas, e consequentemente aos leitores, considero pertinente que seja divulgada uma resposta a essa ideia.
sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2007
Homossexualidade e Saúde Mental: Tomada de Posição
1. Os psicólogos consideram que a homossexualidade e a bissexualidade não são indicadores de doença mental;
2. Os psicólogos devem reconhecer se as suas atitudes pessoais negativas acerca de questões sobre a orientação sexual influenciam ou não a sua avaliação e intervenção psicológicas e procurar supervisão ou encaminhamento sempre que necessário;
3. Os psicólogos devem estar muito atentos ao modo como a estigmatização social (por exemplo: o preconceito, a discriminação, a violência) coloca em risco a saúde mental e o bem-estar das pessoas não-heterossexuais;
4. Os psicólogos têm o dever de reconhecer que as suas visões pessoais pejorativas acerca da homossexualidade ou da bissexualidade podem prejudicar o apoio e o processo terapêutico;
5. Os psicólogos respeitam os estilos de vida e reconhecem as circunstâncias desafiadoras que as pessoas não-heterossexuais vivem no seu dia-a-dia tendo em conta as normas, valores e crenças vigentes na nossa cultura actual;
6. É um dever dos psicólogos buscarem formação e compreensão aprofundada sobre a temática da orientação sexual à luz das teorias e dos resultados das pesquisas mais recentes consensualmente aceites pela comunidade científica psicológica de mérito reconhecido no mundo ocidental;
7. As consequências de uma prática psicológica baseada na ignorância e no preconceito relativamente à orientação sexual colocam as pessoas não-heterossexuais em risco, tendo em conta as pressões de conformidade à norma;
8. O facto de alguns profissionais de saúde mental considerarem que a homossexualidade é uma doença mental, pelo que advogam terapias de reconversão é repudiada, tendo em conta os estudos que demonstram que as consequências destas práticas acarretam dano grave para os indivíduos, na medida em que acentuam os índices de depressão, ansiedade, e intenção e ideação suicida (Sandfort, 2003).
9. Os psicólogos subscrevem as resoluções da Associação Americana de Psicologia que determinam o seguinte:
a. A homossexualidade não é uma doença mental (American Psychiatric Association, 1973);
b. Os psicólogos não participam em práticas injustas e discriminatórias contra as pessoas não-heterossexuais com conhecimento de causa (American Psychological Association, 1992);
c. Nas suas actividades, os psicólogos não enveredam por atitudes discriminatórias baseadas na orientação sexual (American Psychological Association, 1992; Consituição da República Portuguesa, Artigo 13º);
d. Nas suas actividades, os psicólogos respeitam o direito a valores, atitudes e opiniões que diferem das suas;
e. Os psicólogos respeitam os direitos que os indivíduos têm em relação à sua privacidade, confidencialidade, auto-determinação e autonomia (American Psychological Association, 1992);
f. Os psicólogos estão conscientes das diferenças culturais, individuais e de papéis, incluindo aquelas relativas à orientação sexual e tentarão eliminar o efeito de eventuais enviesamentos no seu trabalho baseado em tais factores (American Psychological Association, 1992);
g. Quando as diferenças acerca da orientação sexual afectam o trabalho do psicólogo, deverão obter a formação, experiência, consulta ou supervisão necessárias para assegurar a competência dos seus serviços ou fazer encaminhamentos apropriados (American Psychological Association, 1992);
h. Os psicólogos não fazem afirmações falsas ou enganosas acerca da base clínica ou científica dos seus serviços (American Psychological Association, 1992);
i. Os psicólogos são responsáveis pela eliminação do estigma associado à doença mental quando se refere à homossexualidade (Conger, 1975, p. 633);
j. Os psicólogos opõem-se à consideração das pessoas não-heterossexuais como doentes mentais e apoiam a disseminação de informação correcta acerca da orientação sexual e práticas psicológicas apropriadas, de forma a eliminar intervenções incorrectas, baseadas na ignorância ou crenças infundadas acerca da orientação sexual.
American Psychiatric Association. (1973). Position Statement on Homosexuality and Civil Rights. American Journal of Psychiatry, 131 (4), 497.
American Psychological Association. (1992). Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. American Psychologist, 47, 1597-1611.
Conger, J.J. (1975). Proceedings of the American Psychological Association, Incorporated, for the year 1974: Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Council of Representatives. American Psychologist, 30, 620-651.
Sandfort, T. G. M. (2003). Studying sexual orientation change: a methodological review of the Spitzer study, “Can some gay men and lesbians change their sexual orientation?”. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy, 7(3), 15-29.
quinta-feira, 22 de novembro de 2007
quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2007
segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2007
sexta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2007
segunda-feira, 12 de novembro de 2007
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